Care UK drives debate on dementia care

Ahead of Dementia Action Week, people are receiving advice about caring for a loved one with dementia.

Care UK is encouraging people to talk about dementia (Image: Care UK)
Care UK is encouraging people to talk about dementia (Image: Care UK)

Care UK, which runs Charlton Lodge in Wantage, is reinvigorating the debate about dementia with its 'Big Dementia Conversation' initiative.

providers have set up online consultation platforms to better understand the disease.

explore lesser-known symptoms and offer advice from a dementia specialist with over 40 years of experience.

Zurau, Regional Director at Care UK, said: “Here at Care UK, we are committed to raising awareness of dementia and busting down misconceptions.”

said: "It can be difficult to know how best to support a loved one and what not to say. That's why we launched The Big Dementia Conversation to help everyone talk. This Dementia Action Week, we would like to share some of our expertise to help the community.”

nursing home operator has compiled her five tips for supporting relatives with dementia.

first goal is to help those affected maintain some independence and keep them active by involving them in daily tasks.

also encouraged them to reminisce about happy memories and enjoy music from the past.

stressed the importance of maintaining a daily routine, which is "calming", while also pointing out that contact with nature has a "calming effect".

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